Lessons We Were Never Taught is author, Nikesha Elise Williams’s first collection of storytelling through lyrical prose and spoken word pieces. Through poetic exploration, Lessons We Were Never Taught delves deep into topics on life, on love, and on healing. 

The lessons are named for the great storytellers and truth tellers of past and present generations. From Shange to Baldwin, Hughes to Angelou, Lessons We Were Never Taught is intentional in its nod to history to set the stage for a future full of the stories that deserve to be passed down, the pain still in need of reconciliation, and the lessons we may have never been taught, but learned along the way. 


“Taken together, the pieces collected in Lessons We Were Taught make for one of the most compelling collections issued in recent years, and to see this work recapitulated on stage will be a special treat for lovers of the form. It is not to be missed.”


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